Galvanize, gamut, gape, generic, genial, genteel, germane, gingerly, glib, gluttonous |
1. Life is valuable and no matter what the situation may be, a person’s life should be treated _____________________.
2. Energetic and open-minded, the president has the ability to ____________________ the people around him.
3. Styles here run the ____________________ from classical architecture with its pillars to steel and glass giants.
4. He took elocution lessons to try to make his accent sound more ____________________.
5. The issue is not only about where the pitching takes place; who does the pitching is also ____________________.
6. Somehow, despite being really ____________________, he manages to stay thin.
7. It’s very easy to just trot out the ____________________ old chestnuts without comparison to other countries and without looking at what is right.
8. Alcoholic beverage is a ____________________ term for wine, spirits, beer, etc.
9. We took a trip to Hawaii where we enjoyed ____________________ weather.
10. As the magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat, the audience sat in awe, their mouths ____________________ with wonder.
1. gingerly
2. galvanize
3. gamut
4. genteel
5. germane
6. gluttonous
7. glib
8. generic
9. genial
10. gaping