Allege, eccentric, eclipse, elaborate, elate, eligible, elucidate, emerge, enumerate, evacuate |
1. She concocted some ____________________ story to explain her absence.
2. He’s 16 and therefore still not ____________________ to vote.
3. Mr. Smith was known for his ____________________ behavior, often wearing mismatched clothes and speaking in riddles.
4. Winning the championship ____________________ the entire team, and they celebrated their victory with joyous cheers and smiles.
5. The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists ____________________.
6. You have to ____________________ or hide in case of an active shooter incident.
7. I am waiting for you to ____________________ your mistakes.
8. As part of the research project, the team decided to ____________________ all the possible scenarios to ensure they covered potential outcome.
9. The two men ____________________ that the police forced them to make false confession.
10. The towering skyscrapers that surrounded the small park seemed to ____________________ the area, casting long shadows.
1. elaborate
2. eligible
3. eccentric
4. elated
5. emerge
6. evacuate
7. elucidate
8. enumerate
9. allege
10. eclipse