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Miserly, mitigate, monetary, monumental, morbid, mordant, moribund, morose, mortify, muddle

by EngJen 2023. 8. 3.
Miserly, mitigate, monetary, monumental, morbid, mordant, moribund, morose, mortify, muddle

1. The critic’s ___________________ review of the movie left the filmmakers disheartened.

2. She has a ___________________ fascination with crime documentaries, always seeking the darkest and most gruesome cases.

3. Jane’s ___________________ nature made her hesitant to share even the smallest amounts with her friends.

4. The construction of the Great Wall of China was a ___________________ undertaking that spanned centuries.

5. Despite the festive atmosphere, she remained ___________________ and detached from the celebrations.

6. Planting more trees can help ___________________ the effects of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

7. Despite efforts to revive it, the ___________________ town faced a declining population and lack of economic opportunities.

8. Mixing up the ingredients in the recipe created a culinary ___________________, and the dish didn’t turn out as expected.

9. Sarah was ___________________ when she realized she had accidentally sent a private text to her entire contact list.

10. The entrepreneur’s main goal was to achieve ___________________ success and financial independence.










1. mordant

2. morbid

3. miserly

4. monumental

5. morose

6. mitigate

7. moribund

8. muddle

9. mortified

10. monetary 
