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Commonplace, commotion, compact, compassion, compatible,compensate, complacent, complaisant, comprehend, complement

by EngJen 2023. 9. 13.
Commonplace, commotion, compact, compassion, compatible,
compensate, complacent, complaisant, comprehend, complement


1. Our team is working on making the website ___________________________ with different web browsers to ensure a seamless user experience.

2. Jane’s ___________________________ attitude allowed her to adapt easily to different work environments.

3. The red wine was a perfect ___________________________ to the rich flavors of the steak.

4. His speech was filled with ___________________________ cliches, and it failed to inspire the audience.

5. The nurse showed great ___________________________ while caring for the elderly patients in the nursing home.

6. ___________________________ individuals often miss out on opportunities for personal and professional growth.

7. Teachers strive to ensure that their students ___________________________ the material being taught.

8. They made a ___________________________ not to reveal any details.

9. The chef used a variety of spices to ___________________________ for the mild flavor of the chicken.

10. The sudden ___________________________ in the classroom drew the teacher’s attention.


















1. compatible

2. complaisant

3. complement

4. commonplace

5. compassion

6. complacent 

7. comprehend

8. compact

9. compensate

10. commotion 
