Conjecture, conjure, consecrate, consecutive, consensus, consign, consort, constrict, construe, consummate |
1. He chose to _______________________ with a group of like-minded individuals who shared his passion for environmental conservation.
2. His speech was so eloquent that it could _______________________ strong emotions and inspire action in the listeners.
3. After years of practice, she had become a _______________________ pianist, delivering flawless performances every time.
4. The snake’s muscles _______________________ tightly around its prey, immobilizing it before swallowing.
5. The teacher commended the student for completing 100 _______________________ days of perfect attendance.
6. The priest performed a ritual to _______________________ the holy water before using it for blessings.
7. It is essential to seek _______________________ among team members before making major decisions.
8. It is important to _______________________ the instructions carefully to avoid any misunderstandings.
9. She chose to _______________________ her jewelry collection to a trusted jeweler for appraisal and potential sale.
10. Without concrete evidence, her theory remained a mere _______________________.
1. consort
2. conjure
3. consummate
4. constrict
5. consecutive
6. consecrate
7. consensus
8. construe
9. consign
10. conjecture