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Incite, incumbent, indigent, indulge, inflate, inflict, infringe, infuriate, ingenious, ingratiate

by EngJen 2023. 10. 31.
Incite, incumbent, indigent, indulge, inflate, inflict, infringe, infuriate, ingenious, ingratiate

1. Despite her strict diet, she couldn’t resist the temptation to __________________________ in a slice of cheesecake.

2. His words had the power to __________________________ change and inspire people to take action against injustice.

3. The criminal was found guilty of attempting to __________________________ serious bodily harm on his victim.

4. The constant interruptions during the meeting began to __________________________ everyone present.

5. Posting copyrighted content without permission can __________________________ upon the rights of the content creators.

6. Despite his __________________________ circumstances, he remained optimistic and worked hard to improve his situation.

7. He used a pump to __________________________ the bicycle tire that had gone flat.

8. Her __________________________ solution to the complex math problem impressed the entire class.

9. She tried to __________________________ herself with the new boss by volunteering for extra projects. 

10. The __________________________ champion defended his title against a formidable opponent in the boxing match.













1. indulge

2. incite

3. inflct

4. infuriate

5. infringe

6. ingident

7. inflate

8. ingenious

9. ingratiate

10. incumbent 










