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Fatuous, felicitous, ferocious, fictitious, fealty, feasible, fecund, filthy, flagrant, flamboyant

by EngJen 2023. 9. 22.
Fatuous, felicitous, ferocious, fictitious, fealty, feasible, fecund, filthy, flagrant, flamboyant

1. The tiger’s ________________________ roar echoed through the jungle, sending shivers down our spines.

2. The company’s ________________________ disregard for environmental regulations resulted in hefty fines.

3. Her imagination was so ________________________ that she could effortlessly create captivating stories and artwork.

4. The author’s ________________________ descriptions painted vivid images in the minds of the readers.

5. The student’s proposed research topic was not ________________________ within the time constraints of the semester.

6. The author created a ________________________ world complete with its own history, languages, and cultures.

7. After a long day of hiking, their clothes were covered in ________________________ mud from the trail.

8. In medieval times, knights pledged their ________________________ to their lord and swore to protect his lands.

9. His ________________________ decision to invest all his money in a risky audience led to financial ruin.

10. The ________________________ peacock displayed its vibrant plumage to attract a mate.















1. ferocious

2. flagrant

3. fecund

4. felicitous

5. feasible

6. fictitious

7. filthy

8. fealty

9. fatuous

10. flamboyant 











