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전체 글194

CH.8 Auxiliaries and Functional Categoriesㅣ 영어 임용고시 1. Complementizers 1.1 The selection of Complementizers 1) a) I think that Art likes his beer 1) b) I think Art like his beer 1) c) *I think for Art to like his beer 1) d) *I think Art to like his beer 1) e) *I think if Art likes his beer : think라는 동사는 finite인 clause를 취한다 : "I think if Art likes his beer, then we should get him some for his birthday"에서 if는 가능한 이유는, 이때의 'if'는 condition을 표현하고 있기 때.. 2023. 7. 6.
levy, menace, methodical, pant, personable, phenomenal, plunge, preside, recall, repent, reproach, resolve, rugged, steep, verdict levy, menace, methodical, pant, personable, phenomenal, plunge, preside, recall, repent, reproach, resolve, rugged, steep, verdict 1. This village is naturally fortified by the surrounding ______________________ mountains. 2. Under the plan, authorities can ______________________ fines on New York’s eateries that do not observe this law and sell sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces. 3. I heard hi.. 2023. 7. 6.
Abstract, afoot, anthem, bank, charitable, conceit, conspicuous, crude, deficient, excursion, exquisite, gallant, incidence, indispensable, intercourse Abstract, afoot, anthem, bank, charitable, conceit, conspicuous, crude, deficient,excursion, exquisite, gallant, incidence, indispensable, intercourse 1. There’s something ___________________ here, but I don’t know what it is. 2. As society changes, there is less social ___________________ than ever between the young and the old. 3. The child was sent to his room because of his _________________.. 2023. 7. 5.
Exact, faint, founder, grave, ground, immediate, intervene, invalid, involved, liability, mean, obscure, observe, occasion, parallel, presume, proceed, project, revolt, succeed Exact, faint, founder, grave, ground, immediate, intervene, invalid, involved, liability, mean, obscure, observe, occasion, parallel, presume, proceed, project, revolt, succeed 1. I don’t know exactly what happened then. I must’ve ___________________. 2. The balloon was ___________________ by strong winds. 3. I wouldn’t ___________________ to tell you how to run your own business. 4. The prospec.. 2023. 7. 4.