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CH.8 Constraining X-bar: Theta-theoryㅣ 영어 임용고시 0. Introduction 1) a) Rosemary hates New York 1) b) *Rosemary hates : X-bar theory의 문제점은 not acceptable or grammatical sentences를 생성한다는 것이다 : X-bar theory의 측면으로 보았을 때, 1) b)의 문장은 가능하다. 왜냐하면 complement는 선택적이므로. 2) a) Jennie smiled 2) b) *Jennie smiled the breadbox : X-bar theory의 측면으로 보았을 때, 1) b)의 문장은 가능하다. 왜냐하면 complement는 선택적이므로. 3) a) Traci gave the whale a jawbreaker 3) b) *Traci gave the wh.. 2023. 7. 3.
acquaint, affect, alight, attend, avail, command, comply, compromise, confide, conscious, consult, contain, contend, contrary, couch, custom, defect, divert, draft, endow acquaint, affect, alight, attend, avail, command, comply, compromise, confide, conscious, consult, contain, contend, contrary, couch, custom, defect, divert, draft, endow . She was such a ___________________ child- it was impossible to please her. 2. She ___________________ a calmness she did not feel. 3. A good language learner should ___________________ oneself with writing, reading, listening.. 2023. 7. 3.
Vivacious, vociferous, vouch, waive, wane, wanton, wary, wheedle, whitewash, worldly Vivacious, vociferous, vouch, waive, wane, wanton, wary, wheedle, whitewash, worldly 1. Union leaders have mounted _______________________ protests against the central bank’s refusal to cut interest rates. 2. The kids can always _______________________ money out of their father. 3. The robbers have been involved in _______________________ beating of innocent people and deliberate destruction of .. 2023. 6. 30.
pp. 534 - 545 10.3 Alpha Movement WH movement/ Negative Preposing/ VP preposing/ Resultative Preposing/ Topicalization은 실상 same rule의 다른 표현인 셈이다 왜냐하면 a rule which moves a target XP (=full Phrase=Maximal Projection) out of its underlying positing within IP into a matching empty XP 'slot' in the C-specifier position to the immediate left of C 이 rule는 XP를 matching empty XPposition으로 움직이기 때문에, XP movement이다 그런데 N.. 2023. 6. 29.